Í farsæld barna er lögð rík áhersla á að börn og foreldrar hafi aðgang að samþættri þjónustu við hæfi án hindrana, ef á þarf að halda. Þannig fá þau upplýsingar um þjónustu í þágu barnsins og þjónustuveitendur, foreldrar og börn, eftir atvikum, móta í sameiningu markmið, úrræði og mat á árangri.
The Prosperity Act is ensures that children, along with their parents, have access to the services they need and that they get the right help at the earliest opportunity, provided by the correct service providers.
All children, and their parents, have access to a coordinator of services within their immediate surroundings. That can be the healthcare system, their school or through social services according to their age and status at each time. The coordinator is able to direct them to the appropriate services, without any barriers. In more complex cases, children and their parents will have access to a case manager, provided by the relevant social services, in order to oversee that the child is provided with the services it requires and that the service is integrated.
Everyone who works for or with children is required to ensure the prosperity of children. Employees in pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, social services, sports clubs, recreational facilities, child protection, law enforcement and health care have an added responsibility and are required by law to intervene immediately should the need arise and to cooperate in the relevant manner by integrating their services.
The integration of services is crucial. It does, however, not limit parents in seeking services for their children on their own. The goal of the Prosperity Act is to improve even further the service children and families already have a right to and make sure they have access to it, as needed.
The main purpose of the Prosperity Act is to make sure that children and their families do not get lost in the system or sent between service providers, whether on a municipal or governmental level. Children have the right to say what is on their mind regarding issues that might affect their lives and those who provide services to children have to take their views into consideration, in accordance with their age and maturity.
The focal point of everything we do should be the child and its interests.